Announcement The Kubic Project is proud to announce that Snapshot 20201211 has been released containing Kubernetes 1.20.0. Release Notes are avaialble HERE. Upgrade Step...
You Spoke, We Heard openSUSE MicroOS has been getting a significant amount of great attention lately. We’d like to thank everyone who has reviewed and commented on what w...
Announcement The Kubic Project is proud to announce that Snapshot 20200907 has been released containing Kubernetes 1.19.0. Release Notes are avaialble HERE. Upgrade Step...
Intro We made an important change for our Container Host OS openSUSE MicroOS, which our Kubernetes platform openSUSE Kubic will inherit since it is based on openSUSE Micro...
Announcement The Kubic Project is proud to announce that Snapshot 20200331 has been released containing Kubernetes 1.18.0. Release Notes are avaialble HERE. Upgrade Step...
Not only in development environments it’s very handy to have a quick turnaround time, which can include reboots. Especially for transactional systems where changes to the s...
Announcement The Kubic Project is proud to announce that Snapshot 20200113 has just been released containing Kubernetes 1.17.0. This is a particually exciting release wit...